Be Prepared! This is a statement so critical, that it was adopted as the Boy Scouts official motto.
The Prepper Library is a comprehensive collection of thoughtfully hand-selected publicly released FREE Planning Material, discussing Emergency Preparedness and Mitigation. The Prepper Library archive can help you, your business, and your neighborhood keep relatively safe and comfortable for several days, while cut-off from the normal community infrastructure. Although the information in each document was valid at the time of its writing; technological advancement and social change means that this planning material should not be considered the final word, but rather just the foundation, of your individualized neighborly emergency action plan.
- "Hazard Maps" signal geographic conditions which should be taken into account during preparedness planning.
- "Disaster Mitigation" describes actions that can be taken to prepare yourself for every kind of disaster... Climate, Air, Flame, Earth, Water, Civil, and NBC.
- "Protecting Dependents" discusses specialized preparations necessary to ensure the safety of the less capable (including persons or animals temporarily incapacitated).
- "Neighborly Helping" reveals what you as a private individual can do to assist your neighbors in their emergency.
- "Emergency Supplies Preplanning" advises items to have on hand for an emergency; while -"Assistance from Outside" announces community provided services you can call upon.
- "Shelter Preplanning" proposes adjunctive refuges to supplement your home; while -"Evacuation Issues" outlines how to contend if forced to vacate your home.
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Written for Children
~ Educational coloring books
Written for Youth
~ Example Assistance Corps operated by youths
Crisis Planning...a subject often ignored because useful planning information was previously too scattered. However, as recent Tsunamis, Hurricanes, and Ice Storms have proven, preparation is crucial, as emergencies can happen anytime. And the triggering events are not always big. Even a minor event like a falling tree can start a cascading emergency, should it cut off your electrical power for several days or cause an unchecked leak.
When it rains, you open an umbrella and close the windows in your house. When it gets cold, you put on a jacket and turn on the heater in your house. You and your home are prepared to ride out these everyday discomforts. So too when an emergency occurs, you and your home should be just as prepared. Although the recoverable aftermath may linger for some time, a crisis will usually conclude within in a month, often within only a few hours. Emergency Preparedness allows you to pass through the crisis period confidently, serenely, and relatively unscathed, so that you can help others do the same.
The Basic Physiological Needs that must be supplied are (in order of importance): Oxygen, Fluids, Nutrition, Body Temperature, Elimination, Shelter, Rest, Physical Safety, and Psychological Safety. Emergency Preparedness is an approach to meeting these needs that is very different from survivalism and the apocalyptic mindset of "survivalists". To use an analogy... Surviving is what individuals attempt when they wash up naked on a desert island. Emergency Preparation is provisioning a communal lifeboat with supplies, so that you and your group can expeditiously recoup with ease.
Introduction to Preparedness
Overview of Civil Defense
All planning material herein are only cautionary apprisals, with the anticipated outcome being your creation of your own customized Emergency Action Plan.
~ No personal identifying information is collected while surfing within the confines of
~ Use caution when clicking on a poster, as you will be redirected to a subject associated external website that may collect identifying information and track your activities!
~ This Emergency Preparedness Planning archive is not sponsored by or aligned with any government or faith organization, strives to be unbiased, and is gifted to the public.
~ This prepper library also contains information specifically intended for Businesses, Farms, Churches, Schools, and Community Planners.
~ Be warned that most of the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation techniques discussed in older documents within this archive have now been superceded.
~ The federal government has chosen to discontinue most existing emergency alert communication methods (but in response, several frustrated local communities have installed tornado or flash flood sirens on their own initiative).
~ The federal government has chosen to no longer pursue a packaged hospital program or a protective civilian sheltering program (although many previously placarded shelters are still capable of providing terrorist bomb fallout protection)
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