You don't always have to face a crisis on your own. Caution - link leads to an official website of the US Department of Homeland Security
There are a host of ready response organizations (fire, hospital, etc.) that can be called upon for help in times of your emergency. Fraternal organizations especially offer a broad variety of both preventative and crisis outreach programs. Faith-Based organisations may occasionally also offer their assistance after a major disaster.

 Calling for Help

Telecommunications Relay Service .pdf
911 ABROAD .pdf
988 fact sheet .pdf
Disaster Distress Helpline .pdf
Survival Communitcations FAQ .pdf
Hand Alphabet .jpg
Semaphore Alphabet .jpg
Morse Code Alphabet .jpg
Sound-Powered Telephone Talkers Manual .pdf
How to Connect Analog Telephones .jpg
Operation Crystal .pdf
Guidance for Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service .pdf
Marine VHF Radio Channels .pdf
Where There is No Phone .pdf
Non-HAM Radio Resources .pdf
Supplemental Communications Plan using the Personal Radio Services .pdf
Minimum Telecommunications for Field Personnel .pdf
Emergency Telecommunications Equipment .pdf
Radio & Satellite Communications in Areas of Conflict .pdf
Disaster Relief Telecommunications .pdf
Emergency Services Communications .pdf
Civil Defense Gonset Communicator II-B Transeiver Manual .pdf
Voice Radio Communications Guide for the Fire Service .pdf