
Strike & Labor Disturbance Plan .pdf
Management Guidelines in Preparation for a Strike .pdf
Layoff Survival Tips .pdf
Employers Guide to Advance Notice of Closings and Layoffs .pdf
Adjusting Household Buying .pdf
Build a thousand dollar Emergency Fund in less than a year .pdf
Building an Emergency Fund on a Tight Budget .pdf
Recession Survival Guide .pdf
Financial Crisis Survival Kit .pdf
Economic Collapse Preparations .pdf
AgriFood System Vulnerability .pdf
LDS Famine Preparedness .pdf
Top 10 Vegetarian Protein Sources .mp4
Improvised Grain Mill .pdf
Use of Wheat Flour Substitutes in Baking .pdf
How to Cook Rice and Grains .pdf
How Much Disruption to Activities Could Fuel Shortages Cause .pdf
A Practical Handbook on the Distillation of Alcohol from Farm Products .pdf
Wood-Gas Generator for Farm Petrolium Emergencies .pdf
When a disaster disrupts access to psychiatric medications .pdf


Protect Your Computer .pdf
Protect Your Computer and Your Identity .pdf
RFID Fact Sheet .pdf
Steps To Take When Your Identity Has Been Compromised .pdf
Truck Hijacking Prevention FactSheet .pdf
Hijack Prevention Guidelines .pdf
Burglary Prevention Checklist .pdf
Burglary Prevention .pdf
Strengthening Exterior Doors .pdf
Physical Security .pdf
Museum Collections Security and Fire Protection .pdf
Security at Museums .pdf
Museum Security .pdf
Suggested Guidelines for Museum Security .pdf
How to Hide Anything .pdf


Attacking Artificial Intelligence .pdf
Making Federal Buildings Safe .pdf
Vulnerability of US Chemical Facilities .pdf
Food Defense Plan Checklist .pdf
Agricultural Aviation Security .pdf
Small Vessel Security Strategy .pdf
Terrorism - Preparing for the Unexpected .pdf
Backgrounder - Terrorism .pdf
Emergency Response to Terrorism .pdf
Emergency Response to Terrorism STUDYGUIDE .pdf
Fact Sheet - Terrorism .pdf


Bedbugs, fleas, lice, ticks and mites .pdf
Help Control Mosquitoes that Spread Viruses .pdf
Rats and Rat Riddance .pdf
Five Integrated Pest Management Strategies to Consider .pdf
Snake Hazards after a Disaster .pdf
Emergency Medical Treatment for Massive Bee Stings .pdf
Coyote Attack Prevention .pdf
Bear Attack Prevention .pdf
Cougar Attack Prevention .pdf
Protections Against Ghosts .pdf
The case for taking AI seriously as a threat to humanity .pdf


Situational Crime Prevention .pdf
How to Prevent Cyberbullying .pdf
Celebrities Rights to Privacy .pdf
Women's Self-Defense Handout .pdf
Sexual Assault Prevention .pdf
Kidnap Prevention .pdf
Be your own Bodyguard .pdf
Road Rage .pdf
Driving Techniques for Escape and Evasion .pdf
Understanding Landmines and Mine Action .pdf
Postwar SALW Hazards .pdf
The School Shooter .pdf
Workplace Violence .pdf
Violence in the Workplace .pdf
Violence in the workplace guide .pdf
Preventing Violence in the Retail Sector .pdf
Preventing violence in the Financial Sector .pdf
Preventing Violence in the Accomodation and Community Service Sector .pdf
Tranquilizing Effect of Color .pdf
Danger Assessment Forms .pdf


How to Handle Bomb Threats.pdf
IED Attack .pdf
Postwar Unexploded Ordnance Hazards .pdf
The Protection of Your Home Against Air Raids .pdf
Home Defense Guide .pdf
Be Prepared for a Nuclear Explosion .pdf
The Mighty Atom Bomb .pdf
What You Can Do in a Nuclear Attack .pdf
Info - Take Cover .mp3
Civil Defense for Schools .pdf
Survival Under Atomic Attack .pdf
How to Protect Yourself from Atomic Bombing .pdf
Can we survive an atomic war .pdf


The Causes and Prevention of Crowd Disasters .pdf
Crowd Management at Stations .pdf
Emergency Preparedness Guidelines For Mass, Crowd-Intensive Events .pdf
Safe and Healthy Mass Gatherings .pdf
The event safety guide .pdf
Safety at Outdoor Pop Concerts .pdf
Safety at Indoor Concerts .pdf
Front-of-Stage Barrier Systems .pdf


Civil Unrest .pdf
Journalist Riot Safety .pdf
Disorderly Youth in Public Places .pdf
Police Bicycle Use in Crowd Control Situations .pdf
DoD Crowd Management Information .pdf
Comparitive Study of Less Lethal Weapons .pdf
Toward a Constitutional Duty to Protect from Mob Violence .pdf
Civil Disturbances .pdf
Civil Disturbance Operations .pdf
Governmental Compensation for Riot Victims .pdf


Technology and Law Enforcement .pdf
Pentagon is said to focus on ESP for wartime use .pdf
Firearms in Law Enforcement .pdf
Doctrine for Joint Urban Operations .pdf
Safey During Protest .pdf
Know Your Rights - Encountering Law Enforcement .pdf
Prepare for your life in the new American Police State .pdf
Unintended Consequences of CoVid-19 .pdf
NonLethal Weapon Bans .pdf
Know Your Rights - Free Speech .pdf
The Modern Survival Retreat .pdf
A Simplified Guide To Crime Scene Photography .pdf
Criminal Identity Theft .pdf
Collecting DNA at Arrest .pdf
Incarceration Survival .pdf
Women in prison .pdf
Prisoners Rights Handbook .pdf
Hygiene and Grooming in Mens Prisons and Reentry Centers .pdf
Allowable Inmate Religious Property .pdf
Know Your Rights - Prison and Jail Conditions .pdf


In case of Emergency or War .pdf
Life Under Military Occupation .pdf
UFO Hazards .pdf
Human rights obilgations in military occupation .pdf
Ecconomic choices during war .pdf
Gratuity Guide .pdf
Sneak it Through .pdf
Financial Handbook for Families Facing Detention & Deportation .pdf
Sanitation and Hygiene Standards for Army Field Detention Facilities .pdf
POW Survival .pdf