No matter how much you know or stockpile, in an emergency you can not fully assist your neighbors, dependents, or even yourself, unless you possess at least a minimal level of physical fitness. Here then is a selection of simple and proven limited-space fitness options, suitable for most adults and minors, that can help you achieve and maintain a minimal level of fitness for many emergency situations, including while within a shelter.


Warm Up .pdf
Active Isolated Stretching .pdf
Breathing Exercises .pdf
Long Deep Breathing .pdf


Bus Operator Exercise Manual .pdf
Tubing Maxi-Fitness Program .pdf
Isotonic Neck Exercises .pdf
Active Isolated Strengthening .pdf
Walking for Exercise .pdf
Jumping Rope .pdf
Upper Body Wand Exercises .pdf
Wand Exercises .pdf
The New Calisthenics .pdf
A Guide to the Anatomy of Indian Clubs .pdf
Club Swinging .pdf
Indian Club Exercises for Joint Strength and Mobility .mp4
Strength Training with Medicine Balls .pdf
Medicine Ball Cleans .pdf


New Study Puts the Crunch on Ineffective Ab Exercises .pdf
Contraindicated Exercises .pdf
High-Risk Exercises .pdf
The Healing Power of Trauma Comfrey .pdf